Facility & Land Management

Our industry-leading sustainment solutions, and broad expertise provide clients the tools and resources they need to effectively manage limited resources to achieve the greatest return-on-investment, including environmental compliance, remediation, and a prolonged useful life of real property and land assets.
Environmental and Regulatory Management
CALIBRE Systems, Inc. is an employee-owned management consulting and digital transformation company supporting government and commercial clients since 1989. We provide support across the lifecycle of environmental and regulatory management programs to ensure our clients meet required standards. Our approach promotes adherence to regulatory compliance, improves performance, conserves valuable resources, and protects human health and the environment.
Our Deep Expertise
Regulatory Compliance Support
CALIBRE prepares and maintains project environmental compliance documentation to support regulatory deliverables, permit compliance, and litigation. We provide technical support and training, integrate requirements of multiple permits and orders, and assist with negotiations and interactions with regulatory agencies.
Environmental Program Management Support
CALIBRE supports government and commercial clients in the full spectrum of environmental program support from subject matter expertise, to budget builds, analytic, and day-to-day management support functions.
Environmental Investigation Support
CALIBRE plans and executes field assessments in order to support planning and decision making for both commercial and government clients.
Environmental Remediation Support
CALIBRE’s environmental scientists and engineers design and implement remedies to address complex and challenging soil, groundwater and sediment contamination sites for commercial clients. Solutions employed to address treatment of sites contaminated with fuels, solvents, and explosives have included biosparging; air sparging; vertical, horizontal, and recirculating wells; in-situ chemical oxidation; and innovative solutions such as enhanced reductive de-chlorination using our Sugar Waste Enhanced Environmental Treatment (SWEETSM) technology.
Cultural and Natural Research
CALIBRE conducts need and compliance assessments and performs infield and offsite assessments, including historical and archival research program budgets.
Demonstrated Impact
Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC) Performance-Based Remediation (PBR)
CALIBRE provided expertise to the Air Force at 95 installations in 38 states. The Air Force strategy reduced costs and implemented process improvements for $1.3 billion in activities at 2,300 sites, spanning 14 years with a projected saving of over $388 million (23%).
Environmental Remediation
o Working on a Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) site for a commercial aerospace client, CALIBRE implemented large-scale bioremediation project for solvents in groundwater achieving the cleanup of 1 ug/L at the point of compliance.
CALIBRE works for the State of Arizona on multiple groundwater plumes demonstrating innovative technologies to accelerate site closure and reduce life-cycle costs.
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Munitions and Explosives of Concern (MEC) Survey Methodology and In-field Training
CALIBRE conducted a MEC risk assessment for an underwater build, which included a review of historical archive information to check the potential presence of MEC in the area, an evaluation of the potential impacts to specific operations, and a determination of relative risks of munitions to the client.
Infrastructure and Engineering
CALIBRE Systems, Inc. is an employee-owned management consulting and digital transformation company supporting government and commercial clients since 1989. CALIBRE provides a wide range of services related to infrastructure and engineering, to include enterprise infrastructure portfolio management, energy management and analysis, distributed energy resource implementation, energy efficiency and environmental assessments, and facility analysis. We manage resources to achieve the greatest return on investment, prolonging the useful life of assets.
Our Deep Expertise
Real Property Inventory Management
CALIBRE assists organizations in making strategic asset management decisions regarding real property. We use a combination of modeling, facility condition, lifecycle costs, and utilization and criticality to mission to determine recommendations for future facility use, enabling clients to efficiently manage assets.
Sustainment Management System (SMS) Data Management
CALIBRE models complex facility infrastructure systems and components to evaluate sustainment, restoration, and modernization options. Our tools and certified experts help facility managers prioritize alternatives, manage risk, and reduce expenditures.
Facility Lifecycle Management
CALIBRE optimizes the life and usage of facilities with minimal resources, emphasizing efficiency improvements and cost savings.
Sustainability Planning and Advisory Services
CALIBRE develops plans for energy, water, greenhouse gas, on-site generation, and other resources to optimize performance. We conduct resource analyses and optimization, and formulate defendable program budgets.
Energy and Water Efficiency Assessments
CALIBRE conducts facility assessments, utility rate analyses, utility Meter Data Management System (MDMS) services, data analytics, energy audits, and greenhouse gas audits.
Demonstrated Impact
United States Army Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC)
CALIBRE provides continuous support to the Army’s BRAC program, helping the Army garner ~$2 billion annual net recurring savings from five BRAC rounds. We contributed to the BRAC Division’s disposal of over 279,000 acres of BRAC and Non-BRAC excess installation property, reduced caretaker costs, fostered local redevelopment, and produced $238 million in revenue from property sales.
U.S. Army Office of Energy Initiatives (OEI)/U.S. Air Force Office of Energy Assurance (OEA)
CALIBRE provides program management support of largescale renewable and alternative energy opportunities. Our support entails identifying and vetting opportunities, as well as developing them into energy security/resiliency projects that meet mission-specific requirements. For the U.S. Army alone, we have contributed to 11 energy projects awarded, increased onsite generation capability, obtained ~$627 million private capital investment, and achieved ~$33 million in estimated cost avoidance.
U.S. Army Meter Data Management System (MDMS)
CALIBRE integrated, deployed, installed, transitioned, and sustained the MDMS solution to automatically process and report energy data. MDMS allows Army energy officials to view near real time meter data from a secure network at several levels, helping the Army identify targets for energy saving opportunities and planning initiatives and to support decision-making.
Installation and Land Management
CALIBRE Systems, Inc. is an employee-owned management consulting and digital transformation company supporting government and commercial clients since 1989. Our sustainment programs and expertise give clients the tools they need to effectively manage limited resources and achieve the greatest return on investment, prolonging the useful life of land and real property assets. CALIBRE provides innovative science, technology, and resource management techniques that increase the capability, availability, and accessibility to live training venues supporting Service Member training today and in the future. We assess, document, and execute land management work plans, increasing sustainability, accessibility, effectiveness, and compliance.
Our Deep Expertise
Environmental Compliance and Property Conveyance
CALIBRE provides technical support and training to ensure compliance with a multitude of regulations and executive orders. We conduct planning, analyses, preparation, and review of environmental issues associated with property conveyance.
Training Range and Land Management
CALIBRE increases accessibility and usability of live training venues. We provide development, budget formulation, planning, and execution for ranges and training areas.
Sustainability Planning and Advisory Services
CALIBRE prepares plans for energy, water, greenhouse gas, onsite generation, and other resources to optimize performance.
Geospatial Information Systems (GIS)
CALIBRE applies advanced GIS software at all levels, using extensive experience with Spatial Data Standards for Facilities, Infrastructure, and Environment and Federal Geographic Data Committee standards.
Environmental Planning / Implementation
CALIBRE provides end-to-end project planning, oversight, and implementation from herbicide application to military construction support, GIS support, and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) planning and execution.
Demonstrated Impact
United States Army Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC)
CALIBRE supported the BRAC Division’s disposal of over 279,000 acres of BRAC and Non-BRAC excess installation property. This support included the environmental analysis, planning, environmental and regulatory compliance, and Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) coordination, reducing caretaker costs, fostering local redevelopment, and producing $238 million in revenue from property sales.
Training Range and Land Management
CALIBRE supports the Department of Defense (DoD) in managing training lands and ranges across the country. Our support includes preparation of installation land management work plans, associated budget builds, environmental and regulatory compliance, range scheduling and safety management, and on-the-ground execution.
Integrated Training Area Management (ITAM) and Installation Geospatial Information & Services (IGI&S)
CALIBRE has delivered thousands of map products to support training exercises including safety, planning and execution, sustainable range awareness, land monitoring and assessment, and project execution. This includes the largest multi-service field training exercise executed at the United States Military Academy West Point, and the first time firing a fixed wing aircraft at that installation.